Developer Guide =============== This doc provides details for developers who want to hack on spectrometer. If you have not done so already please refer to the :doc:`quickstart`. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: Style Guide ----------- We follow the Python PEP8 style guide. See: For documentation we follow the Python Documentation Guide. See: Spectrometer Server ------------------- Installing in Dev Mode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In development we want to install spectrometer so that we can modify the code and use it as if in production with changes taking effect immediately. We can achieve this using pip's editable install mode. .. code-block:: bash cd server # From spectrometer repo root pip install -e . spectrometer server -c example-config/ start Testing Code ^^^^^^^^^^^^ We use tox to manage and run our unit tests. Simply run **tox** in the server directory to initiate the tests. If you don't have tox installed typically it is packaged as **python-tox** in most distros. .. code-block:: bash cd server/ # From spectrometer repo root tox Spectrometer Web ---------------- Installation ^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install NodeJS in your system, use the Node Version Manager (NVM), which allows to co-exist multiple NodeJS versions in the same system. If you already have NodeJS older versions (<= 0.12), it is strongly recommended \ to completely remove them and reinstall using NVM. For Linux systems, you can do the following to remove NodeJS: .. code-block:: bash which node # Note down the path sudo rm -r /path/bin/node /path/bin/npm /path/include/node /path/lib/node_modules ~/.npm Install NVM, NodeJS 4.3.x and NPM: .. code-block:: bash curl -o- | bash nvm install 4.3.1 # By default this installs npm 2.14.x npm install npm -g # This will upgrade npm to 3.7.x Run spectrometer-web ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cd web # From the root of the git repo npm install npm start Goto ```http://localhost:8000``` The web project is configured to hot-reload when any changes are made to the code. Most of the time the web browser should auto refresh, if not simply refresh the page. UI Technology Stack ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * NodeJS 4.3 - Bootstrapping and Universal (isomorphic) Javascript execution * ExpressJS - Web-server-side bootstrap for UI * ReactJS 0.14 - View Layer * Redux - Data and State management (Flux pattern) * Webpack - Build tool * Babel - Asset compilation, ES6 Transpiler * FormidableLabs VictoryChart - D3-based React components * Redux Dev Tools - Tool that allows to track state management Run spectrometer-web in Production ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Production build does not have Devtools and hot reloading middleware. It also minifies scripts and css. For Production build, execute the following commands: .. code-block:: bash npm run build npm run start-prod Run Test ^^^^^^^^ Unit Tests are executed using Mocha and Chai assert libraries. .. code-block:: bash npm test Roadmap ^^^^^^^ #. Dynamic loading of repositories as opposed to loading via config.json Troubleshooting --------------- Adding new repository ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to add a new repository to collect statistics, you must make the following changes: #. Create a soft link in ~/odl-spectrometer to the new repository #. Edit the server/spectrometer/etc/repositories.yaml and specify the key and path to ~/odl-spectrometer/$repo #. Edit the web/src/config.json add the project name in the list (this makes it appear in the dropdown) #. Reload the web page #. If reload web page does not work, restart python ```python spectrometer-server``` and web ```npm start```)